
To hear the call and to answer



Who wants to engage herself as an Ursuline, must be called by God. That’s why the following questions: Do I feel in me a call to live this way of life? Do I have the wish in me to respond to the love of God through consecrated life in an apostolate? Am I open for the needs of the world? Am I ready to live in a community?

There are introductory steps to the Community: as a candidate, as a postulant and as a novice in one of the novices in Brig (CH), Pune (India) or Libode (South Africa).

  • Candidature or time of initial contact

  • Postulancy

  • Noviciate

  • Juniorate

  • Temporal Vows and Juniorate

  • Perpetual Vows


This time of introduction serves to learn the aim and mission of the Society of Saint Ursula of Anne de Xainctonge and to receive clarity about one’s personal vocation.  Const. 100


The postulancy lasts six months to two years. The goal of the postulancy is to get to know the apostolic religious life, to deepen the personal, as well as the liturgical prayer life, to resolve the decision and consolidate. Cons. 104

In this period everyone is free to leave the Society again.


The noviciate is a period of two years of intense formation and initiation into the Ursuline religious life under the guidance of a novice mistress.

As an Ursuline she is called to lead others to a life of faith. Therefore, she must first acquire a solid knowledge of her faith and orient her own life fully towards God. Cons. 108

Temporal Vows and Juniorate

After the two years, the novice makes the first temporal vows of virginity, poverty and obedience. Spiritual formation will help the sister to live in ever deeper intimacy with God, in order to find him and serve him in her work. Const. 117

The temporal vows are renewed during the juniorate, between 5 - 9 years. During this time, the junior will receive professional education and training adapted to her talents, and will meet the requirements of the Church. Konst. 118

Perpetual Vows

At the time of Final Vows the sisters pledges finally and publicly for a life in the Society of Saint Ursula of Anne de Xainctonge. Through the vows of virginity, poverty and obedience, the sister consecrates herself forever to the Lord. She is a full member of the Society and, as such, shares responsibility for the community as a whole: for its development and loyalty to the charisma of Anne de Xainctonge. Const. 120, 121

Life as Ursuline

The sisters of Saint Ursula are doing a modest service in the church. As Anne de Xainctonge says, they do not carry large torches that cast a widely shining glow, but only small lamps that illuminate the way for the girls and women, the servants and the poor, that all may recognize and worship God through Jesus Christ, his Son our master. Const. 15

Anniversary Celebrations

50, 60, 70 years of religious life, devoting oneself with a joyful heart to her Lord and God.